Application of great help for people who have a food allergy and have to follow a restricted diet due to their intolerances.People affected by one or more food allergies spend a lot of time on the shelves to find a product that they can consume safely.By searching the recipes or products, the application saves a lot of time, helps you find allergens hidden behind any additives or product. Also, when it comes to a recipe you can filter by any type of cuisine or allergen, and you can see all the ingredients and steps to make it.If you want to share a recipe with others, you can create and publish it. And you can also write a review on those you liked.My Intolerance food does also provide information about the main allergens such as: dairy, egg, gluten, peanut, seafood, sesame, shellfish, soy, sulfite and tree nut. And in case you should miss a food, you can add it easily.